No Pares (sigue, sigue)

Centro de Residencias Matadero
45 min performance

No pares (sigue, sigue) [Don’t Stop (Keep going, Keep going)] is a participatory performance that delves into contemporary work culture, questioning the economic and political systems that sustain it. The project  challenges the meritocratic narratives of effort, success, and efficiency by inviting the audience to take an active role in the piece.

Through a format that blends a spinning class with a dramatized lecture, the performance confronts the audience with the violence of capitalist self-exploitation logics and the ensuing guilt. Drawing on the character Segismundo from the 17th century Spanish theater play “Life is a Dream,” the project explores sleeping and dreaming as
acts of resistance to break with the neoliberal temporality of 24/7.

El Pacto del Olvido
Live Works nº9 Centrale Fies
70 min performance

The Pact of Forgetting is a performance that probes the intergenerational transmission of political silence in Spain from the beginning of the Francoist dictatorship to the present day.

Autofiction and historical analysis go hand in hand in this memory exercise which, through the language of light, examines the contours of collective silence in front of a live audience, inviting them to wander in between the memory gaps through which repressed pain has been quietly seeping over decades. While the piece unfolds, through that silence emerge voices that speak about the consequences of forgetting, as well as about spaces through which to reconstruct our memory.


Concluded Without Agreement
(45 min performance)
Geo-Design Budget Airlines exhibition, Van Abbemusem Eindhoven—October 2021

What was said in the negotiation table to avoid the closure of Girona Airport? What brought the workers to “pull their trousers down”?

Concluded Without Agreement delves into the working conditions of Ryanair’s Girona cabin crew and the pressure they are under with the constant threat of the airbase closure. On a dramatized lecture format around a bargaining table, the audience is invited to read out loud a script based on first-hand interviews with union representatives who experienced the bargaining process, articles that appeared in the Spanish media about the cabin crew struggle, and the resolution of the trial against Ryanair for fraud and coercion of its employees.

“Even Stones Know”
(10 min Performance)
Moving in Stasis Exhibition, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam

From the construction of sound effects with a microphone and a cassette player, I activate personal and collective memories of Spain in the late 90s. On a script based on Joe Brainard’s work “I Remember”, I deepen into mundane memories, exploring the traumas Spain is  still keeping underground.

Performance developed under the exhibition frame of “Moving in Stasis” in Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam

Oficina Franco
[12 min loop perfomance on
a 4m diameter wooden table]

Since the death of the Spanish dictator (1975), the Franco family has maintained the properties and part of the privileges gained during the regime. This has allowed them to keep expanding their patrimony and continue defending and protecting his legacy.

This 12 min loop performance shows, through the activation of different documents collected during the research, the  money flow of the Franco family funding network. From small businesses like Parking lots, Pizza restaurants and souvenir shops in Madrid to the fascist foundation that manages the monument The Valley of The Fallen